Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There has been much to post about, just no time. As I type this I am at the hospital with Micah. On Monday he spiked a temp of 106 and started seizing. We have been here since then trying to determine the cause of the fever. He has been such a trooper. The spinal tap, multiple blood draws, IV stick, and doctors and nurses touching him every few minutes for the last three days have brought about major separation anxiety. He is doing much better, just needs mommy by his side and I am happy to oblige. We still do not have an answer and since his fever spiked again last night, we are here at least another night. Please pray for his healing. i would also like to think this was a one time thing and he will not be one of those children you here about spiking high fevers and having seizures every time they are ill. It was very frightening and I hope it does not happen again. Thank you to all of you who have sent emails and left phone messages. I can not use the lap top in his room. So, I have to wait for Bruce to get here to give me a quick break. I will respond to all of the messages when I get home.


Anne said...

Jeanne has been keeping us updated. We're praying for Micah!

Love you all!

The Adlers said...

We will be in prayer for you guys. I know that is very scary. Max had a febral seizure at 15 months and it was the scariest thing I have ever gone through. We are praying God's strength, peace, wisdom, and healing. I know we are far away but let us know if we can do anything. Jenny