Friday, January 25, 2008

Preparing for the Sabbath Day

Is anyone feasting this Sabbath? We are not doing one at home. It is the Sunday for our fellowship meal at church. This month is soup and sandwiches. In the busyness of our lives it is so easy to forget why we feast. There are so many reasons, but I think the biggest reasons for us are to celebrate Christ and prepare our hearts to worship Him. There is nothing like a celebratory feast and fellowship with loved ones to put you in the mood to worship the one true God. When we have asked the children this question, we sometimes get,"Why wouldn't we celebrate God's day?" So, as you are preparing clothes and whatever this weekend for Sunday, remember whose day it is. Remember to prepare your heart to be full of love, adoration, and thankfulness as you worship Him this Sabbath.

1 comment:

Anne said...

We usually do ours on Saturday nights, but this week my husband has a work engagement that night. Our church is having a potluck after the service on Sunday, so I guess that's ours for this week.