Friday, February 1, 2008

Can I Sleep Now?

Wow! What a day! The home study is done and went well. The paper work should be together and in our hands within a week, or at the longest, two weeks. As you know this was a crazy week on the adoptpion front. What you may not know is this was also a crazy work week. Bruce will be working full-time next year for Veritas Press, but has already assumed the administrative position. Today was the day the website opened to register for classes next year. Well, that meant a week of countless consultation phone calls and emails for me and him both. It also meant late nights of getting course descriptions and such ready for the site. Add to that hiring some of the teaching staff. I basically work as his assistant. That meant my week was full of assisting him on top of adoption stuff. Ofcourse there were technical difficulties today, so I was busy answering emails and phone calls. "Why is the sight not working!?!" Needless to say I am glad this week is over. It did end well though. We are having huge registration results and the home study is done!

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